Engineering a multi-modal probe to detect neural, chemical, optical signals
A Mizzou Engineer and collaborators are developing a new type of neural probe that can improve basic understanding of brain circuits and ultimately lead to better treatments for neurological diseases. The novelty of the probe is in its multi-model sensing, said Yi Wang, an assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering. He is working on the project with researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. The team recently received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation.

Mizzou empowers students to succeed in the ‘fourth industrial revolution’
University of Missouri researchers Jim Noble and Yi Wang are using a one-year, $1 million grant from the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development to create hands-on learning experiences in an Industry 4.0 lab to help future engineers thrive in the latest industrial revolution’s technology-centered job market.

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering name change reflects student outcomes, industry
Students graduating with degrees in industrial engineering at Mizzou go on to work in a variety of areas including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing and service.

Researcher developing new ways to fabricate microprobes, nano electrodes
A Mizzou Engineering faculty member is developing new ways to fabricate microprobes and nano electrodes that will help researchers across campus.

Mizzou Engineering welcomes 14 new faculty members
Mizzou Engineering welcomed 14 new faculty members, including 11 tenure-track faculty who bring expertise in areas such as pollution remediation, manufacturing and computational material science. “We’re excited to bring in this group of educators and researchers who will make tremendous contributions to the College,” Dean Noah Manring said. “Students will, no doubt, benefit greatly from…