CEE, Page 14


Cracking the code: Engineering team devises improved way to predict cracks

Cracks can cause serious problems on roads and bridges, as they compromise the strength and soundness of a structure. A Mizzou…


Spring 2022 Dean’s List now available

The College of Engineering has released the Spring 2022 Dean's List.


ZouSim uses simulated environment to study driver behavior

Erika Zhou is “driving” 50 in a 60-mile-per-hour zone. When she approaches road work, her speed drops to about 15 below the posted limit. A few days later, Stuart…


Engineer develops underwater imaging system to investigate natural seeps

It’s estimated that roughly 160,000 tons of oil and gas naturally enter North American waters each year. These so-called “natural seeps” are hydrocarbons that come out of plant or animal fossils under the seafloor. Depending on where they are, the bubbles…


Mizzou Engineering confers more than 350 degrees at 2022 Commencement

Mizzou Engineers graduated this weekend equipped with the foundational understanding and technical know-how needed to tackle some of the world’s most significant challenges.

Awa-Bousso Gueye

150 Years of Student Success: S-STEM Scholar Awa-Bousso Gueye

Awa-Bousso Gueye dreams of being a civil engineer to improve living conditions and ensure the safety of our environment. Learn why this S-STEM Scholar and Kansas City, Missouri resident chose Mizzou.


Industry experts to help grow construction management program

With help from some of the top firms in the country, Mizzou Engineering will expand offerings and experiences that prepare students for construction management.

Ivan Linger

150 Years of Student Success: S-STEM Scholar Ivan Linger

Ivan Linger, a sophomore from St. Louis wanted to become a civil engineer to meld is passions for design and to solve current issues. Learn how he is taking advantage of opportunities available at Mizzou.


CEO of Burns & McDonnell shares advice with engineering students

Take advantage of opportunities, ask a lot of questions, and have a genuine interest in what you’re doing, Ray Kowalik, CE ’85, MS CE ’99, said.

Mizzou NSBE group image at 48th National Convention

Mizzou NSBE finds opportunities at national convention

Members of the organization traveled to California for their national organization’s convention and found networking and job opportunities in the Golden State.