Engineer develops underwater imaging system to investigate natural seeps
It’s estimated that roughly 160,000 tons of oil and gas naturally enter North American waters each year. These so-called “natural seeps” are hydrocarbons that come out of plant or animal fossils under the seafloor. Depending on where they are, the bubbles…

Mizzou celebrates opening of MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute
A new institute at Mizzou will advance collaboration around materials research and education across campus. University and College leaders celebrated the grand opening of the MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute (MUMSEI) at a symposium and ribbon cutting event on Friday.

Engineering team receives $3M to develop improved blast-resistant curtain walls
A Mizzou Engineering team is investigating ways to keep large glass exteriors from shattering.

Researcher studying ways to maximize environmental benefits of green algae
Diatoms are abundant in nature and their structures could be used for environmentally friendly, high-value products, technologies to clean our air and new methods to purify our water.

Undergraduate presents research around health of streams impacted by mining
Castonguay presented early findings from that work at a Joint Annual Meeting between the Missouri Section American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA).

Civil engineering team takes best poster award at TRB annual meeting
A Mizzou civil engineering team took a best paper award at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in January.

Buttlar gives keynote at International Data Science for Pavements Symposium
A civil engineering professor gave the keynote address around using big data to inform transportation decisions.

Mizzou Engineer studies motorist behavior around truck platoons
Professor Carlos Sun recently led a study investigating how motorists behave when faced with a truck platoon in work zones.

Interdisciplinary team to study practices, policies around Missouri River
A Mizzou Engineer is leading an interdisciplinary team tasked with creating innovative, practical and balanced ways to manage the Missouri River’s water resources.

MU announces creation of the Missouri Water Center
The University of Missouri today announced the creation of the Missouri Water Center, a central hub for research on the state’s water resources.