IMSE Capstone Projects – Spring 2021
Industrial engineering education at Mizzou concludes with a two-semester capstone project. These capstone projects give students the chance to put what they’ve learned so far in their classes to the test through working with an actual company (manufacturing, health care or logistics) on a project they provide.
PayneCrest Electric CEO Reflects on Experiences at Mizzou Engineering
“The biggest thing Mizzou did for me was it taught me how to figure out things for myself."
Nassar awarded NSF CAREER grant to explore mathematics of deployable structures
Assistant Professor Hussein Nassar recently received the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant for his work on identifying unifying mathematical models that can explain the behavior of deployable structures. Research into these morphing metamaterials could aid in the designs of airbags, clothing, and even solar panels for space travel.
Engineering Professor’s Company One of Three Startups Recognized at Mizzou Event
Mizzou Engineering faculty were recognized last month for taking their research ideas to market. Professor Yi Shang’s company, TigerAware, was among just three from across campus recognized for becoming startups and making first sales of products using MU technologies. The Office of Research and Economic Development hosted “Taking Your ideas to Market” on April 29. The celebration…
Mizzou Engineers Develop Algorithms to Organize Streaming Data
Mizzou Engineers have written new algorithms to better organize, or “cluster,” streaming data. The work has the potential to help businesses better use information coming in constantly or medical providers best respond to ongoing health changes. The goal of clustering is to find meaningful structure within a set of data. But the rise of continuous…
Army Ants Robotics Team Secures Spot in International Finals
Columbia’s FIRST® Robotics Competition team is one of just 20 teams worldwide, and the only team in the entire Midwest, to be selected as a finalist for the FIRST Global Innovation Awards.
Using AI to Generate Holograms in Everyday Settings
Imagine being able to see a hologram of the person you’re talking to on your cell phone. Sound futuristic? Mizzou Engineers are finding ways to someday make that a reality. A research team is…
Mizzou Engineer Shares Machine Learning Expertise at IEEE Workshop
Mizzou Engineer Grant Scott shared his expertise in machine learning and data analytics with business professionals last week, encouraging them to begin to think about ways in which computing systems could help them better process big data.
Mizzou Engineering Celebrates Class of 2021
Mizzou Engineering’s Class of 2021 faced unprecedented challenges to get to Spring Commencement — and became engineers along the way.
Getting her hands dirty
Veronica Fritz, 2021 Udall Scholarship recipient, received the high honor based partly on her passion for environmental work.