Mizzou Engineering’s Chadha protecting your data, identity
While hacking databases is the main way for interested parties to gain users’ personal information, it’s not the only possibility. Intrepid attackers can use perfectly benign means to do so. How? By using readily available aggregate data — for example: census data, medical data focused on how many people in an area suffer from a specific illness, consumer trend data, etc. — and using it to focus on specific individuals.

Defense using pretense: MU Engineering team sets new cybersecurity paradigm
Instead of simply reacting to cyberattacks after they happen, Mizzou Engineering researchers developed a new approach — cyber “defense using pretense.”

Studying behavior could lead to sustainability solutions
At first blush, Damon Hall’s office looks somewhat out of place. Tucked in the Natural Resources Building, his shelves are lined with the kind of reading material seemingly more suited for psychology or sociology. Looks, however, can be deceiving.