Ready for the future: Hill earns degree in computer engineering
Aleesa Hill took a childhood love for the TV show “BattleBots” and plans to turn it into a career. She says the show is what got her interested in robotics, and after getting involved in high school FIRST Robotics she knew she wanted to pursue engineering.
Building a career with hands-on experience: Lofgren earns civil engineering degree
Ryan Lofgren, an Iowa native, first toured Mizzou as a rising junior in high school and fell in love with the character of campus. After going on various other visits in the year that followed, he says nothing quite compared to his experience at MU. So, he followed his gut and could not be happier with that decision.
An aptitude for leadership: Kemm earns degree in chemical engineering
A first-generation student from a small town in Southwest Missouri, Ashley Kemm is proud to be a Tiger. She grew up coming to Mizzou and fell in love with campus. And while here, she says she’s never felt unsupported thanks to the Tiger community.
The perfect mix of engineering and medicine: Forck earns biomedical engineering degree
Nate Forck says he’s proud to be a Tiger because of the people he works with and sees every day. His favorite Mizzou Engineering memory is hanging out with his classmates after thermodynamics exams. And his favorite parts about biomedical engineering is the variety of tech electives and the enthusiastic professors who teach them.
“The best decision I ever made:” Patel earns degree in biological engineering
Zara Patel didn’t think she would find herself at Mizzou, but after four years on campus she says attending school here was the best decision she’d ever made.
Seeing successes: Mizzou AIChE members honored at regional awards ceremonies
Mizzou’s chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has been busy this spring, with members attending conferences and awards ceremonies. The chapter and its members earned five awards this April.
Sweet receives prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Campbell Sweet, a PhD student in chemical engineering, has received a 2024 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF). Sweet is currently in the first year of her PhD program at Mizzou, conducting research under the mentorship of Professor Patrick Pinhero. The award covers three years of a graduate program.
Mizzou Engineering students take honors at Show Me Research Week 2024
Nine engineering students took honors at Show Me Research Week, a collaboration between MU's Office of Undergraduate Research and the Bond Life Sciences Center, which included poster presentations, guest lectures and special activities. More than 55 engineering students presented.
Photo Album: Daughter Day 2024
Each Spring, Mizzou’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) invites girls from across the community to come visit Mizzou Engineering and learn more about STEM and engineering for Daughter Day.
Show me success: Students showcase work during Show Me Research Week
Judging from the innovative projects and research they presented this week, it’s evident that engineering students at Mizzou are getting ready to change the world. Show Me Research Week, held in April, gives students an opportunity to present the work that they conduct throughout the year in front of judges and other interested students and members of the Mizzou community.