Reducing inefficiencies: Wright interns at PepsiCo
Ellise Wright, a junior biomedical engineering student, is in Phoenix, Arizona, completing an internship at PepsiCo.

Mizzou Engineering hosts four NSF REU sites in critical research areas
Mizzou Engineering empowers students to explore the world through leading-edge research and provides the necessary tools and guidance. This summer, students from across the U.S. have traveled to campus to take part in National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites (NSF REUs) and gain access to those tools while working with our world-class faculty.

Top of the charts: Mizzou Racing places first in Skidpad event
Mizzou Racing team earned top honors by placing first in the Skidpad Event and placed 22nd overall—the highest among Missouri schools.

New Mizzou degrees empower engineers in data science, engineering tech and environmental fields
Three new undergraduate degree programs will be launched, providing opportunities for Mizzou Made engineers to become leaders in the rapidly growing fields of data science, engineering technology and environmental engineering.

Doing meaningful work: Lodes conducts internship at Essex Industries
This summer, Jordyn Lodes, a senior mechanical engineering student, is conducting an internship at Essex Industries in Maplewood, MO. We asked her a few questions about the experience.

A variety of experiences: Moore spends summer conducting research
Marissa Moore, a senior chemical engineering student, is participating in a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. We asked her a few questions about the experience.

Mizzou tractor pulling team earns honors at international competition
Mizzou’s Torq’N Tigers Quarter-Scale Tractor Pulling Team continued its strong performance at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) International Student Design Competition last month. Both the A-Team and X-Team took home multiple awards at the event.

Discovering global cultures: Mizzou Engineering student’s enriching study abroad experience in France
Studying abroad gives students the opportunity to understand diverse viewpoints and immerse themselves in new cultural experiences. Isha Deol, a rising senior at Mizzou Engineering, went beyond The Columns this summer for a study abroad program in France.

Gaining a versatile skillset: Hyde conducts internship at General Mills
Erin Hyde, a rising senior studying industrial engineering, is conducting a manufacturing & engineering associate internship at the Hannibal, MO, General Mills plant. We asked her a few questions about the experience.

Taking the leap: Mizzou Engineering student explores Europe during study abroad program
Studying engineering abroad is an excellent way to broaden one's worldview and learn how to make a positive impact. Claire Fanning, a rising junior in biomedical engineering, is spending six weeks this summer in a study abroad program in Paris, France.