Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Page 23


NextGen Precision Health Discovery Series to feature engineering

Giovanna Guidoboni, Associate Dean for Research at Mizzou Engineering, will discuss ways engineers are playing a key role in medical advancements during a NextGen Precision Health Discovery Series talk.


EECS department hosts retreat around inclusivity, diversity, equity

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science hosted an Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity workshop.

Rebecca Shyu at podium

Mizzou Engineer speaks at Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health building Grand Opening

Mizzou Engineering senior Rebecca Shyu spoke at the Grand Opening of the Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health building on Tuesday, Oct. 19.

protein structure graphic

New protein prediction tool could accelerate biological discoveries

A Mizzou Engineering team has released new software that will allow computers to automatically predict protein interactions.


Mizzou Engineer develops software tool to investigate root growth

A Mizzou Engineer has developed a software tool that could enable farmers to develop crop cultivars that are drought resistant, ensuring roots can reach falling water tables, adapt to warmer temperatures and be more resilient to environmental changes.


Mizzou Engineering team takes third at Guess the Age competition

A Mizzou Engineering team took third place at the Guess the Age contest, part of the biannual 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns held in Cyprus.


Designing ‘smart’ security for smart devices

A Mizzou Engineering is developing a flexible, add-on security feature that allows different types of smart devices to intelligently learn from past cyberattacks.

Portrait of Marjorie Skubic

Skubic named Curators’ Distinguished Professor

Mizzou Engineering’s Marjorie Skubic has been named a Curators’ Distinguished Professor, the highest honor bestowed on faculty at the University of Missouri System.

Portrait: Dong Xu

Xu named Curators’ Distinguished Professor

Mizzou Engineering’s Dong Xu has been named a Curators’ Distinguished Professor, the highest recognition bestowed by the University of Missouri System.

Black and white image of eye.

Mizzou Engineering paper among IEEE top 10 featured articles

A Mizzou Engineer's paper was selected as a Featured Article in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Image Processing.