MUVR: shaping tomorrow’s innovators
MU students are harnessing the virtual to train for reality. Austin Barr is working with his fellow IT and computer science majors to raise awareness of the University of Missouri’s Virtual Reality Organization (MUVR) across campus and open the club and the Collaborative Research Environments for Extended Reality (CREXR) Lab to students from all disciplines.

Korkali solving challenges around power grids as energy demands rise
From electric vehicles to electric heat pumps, Americans are plugging in more than ever. While that’s reducing emissions, it’s also creating increased demand on power grids — which are already more susceptible to blackouts as extreme weather becomes the norm. That’s where Mert Korkali comes in. Korkali is an assistant professor in electrical engineering and computer science, and he studies sophisticated approaches to upgrading and securing power grids.

Mizzou Engineering secures Nanoscribe Quantum X Shape 3D printer
Purchased with nearly $1 million from a U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) grant, the Quantum X shape from Nanoscribe, a Bico company, uses a process called two-photon lithography to rapidly cure a liquid resin, making it ideal for rapid prototyping and wafer-scale processing of any 3D shape. It’s the fastest and most accurate 3D printer for high-end microfabrication tasks on the market. Mizzou Engineering is one of just a few U.S. organizations to have the printer in and one of fewer than 100 around the world.

Mizzou Engineers advanced energy, AI, materials, transportation, health in 2023
This past year, Mizzou Engineers worked on significant solutions to society’s most-pressing challenges. They advanced nuclear power. They studied ways to turn leftover bread crust into plastics that will degrade naturally in the environment. They made artificial intelligence explain itself. They invented new materials, investigated self-driving trucks and came up with an innovative system to optimize blood supplies.

Prasanna receives UPE Academic Achievement Award
Shivika Prasanna, a Ph.D. student in computer science, has received a prestigious Academic Achievement Award from Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE).

Mizzou Engineers reflect on college experience ahead of commencement
At Mizzou Engineering, we believe that exploration expands everyone's perspectives. Fearlessly asking questions and finding opportunities for hands-on learning is what we do every day. Now, another class of graduates is ready to use that experience as they begin their careers.

Expanding expertise, Michelle Atkinson earns degree in electrical engineering
Michelle Atkinson decided to become an engineer after beginning her career as a registered nurse. She saw how electricity and technology were affecting the nursing field, and decided to go back to school to continue learning and asking questions about how technology is impacting the world.

Building connections, Trent Foster earns electrical and computer engineering degree
Trent Foster has always had a passion for tinkering with technology. After graduation, the electrical and computer engineering major will move to Kansas City to start work as a software developer for Garmin.

Mizzou Engineer developing system to combat cybersickness experienced by soldiers using XR goggles
In theory, augmented and virtual reality are ideal tools to train soldiers for battle in safe, controlled settings. In reality, these extended reality (XR) goggles are causing all sorts of problems — headaches, nausea, eye strain and other forms of so-called cybersickness.

Team places second in National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency competition
A team from the University of Missouri Institute for Data Science and Informatics (IDSI) and Data Science and Analytics (DSA) program recently placed second in the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency’s Geo-Hack for Humanity.