Graduate enjoys personal mentorship from former VP of Welch Foods
What’s it like to have a former vice president of Welch Foods, Inc., personally mentoring you after college graduation? “It’s been extremely advantageous,” Drew Boswell, BS IE ’22, says. Boswell was one of the first industrial and manufacturing systems engineering students to take advantage of a new mentorship program…

That Aha Moment: Engineering Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
By Megan Sauls Wilson | MU Undergraduate Studies “I know what I want to do now!” This seems a simple statement, but Mary Todd, a senior in Biomedical Engineering, entered her Spring 2022 study abroad semester in Stockholm Sweden unsure about the direction of her career.…

A Passion for Learning
By Mae Bruce | MU Undergraduate Studies All his life, August Hemmerla has loved learning. A homeschooled self-starter, he took many opportunities to broaden his perspectives. When he was 15, he studied in Ecuador where he lived with his adopted sister. Once he returned, he took community college classes. When he turned 18, he landed a…

Mizzou Engineering student explores passion for music with professional drum corps and Marching Mizzou
Ryan Deloney spent his summer touring with the World-Champion Blue Devils Drum and Bugle Corps before returning to continue his mechanical engineering degree and play trumpet with Marching Mizzou this fall.

First Year Engineering Program designed to set new students up for success
Considering a career in engineering but not sure where to start? We get it. Starting an engineering degree program can seem intimidating, especially for those who haven’t been around professional engineers and…

Career Fair provides opportunities to network, explore careers
Want an exciting summer internship? Looking for employment after graduation? Then make plans to attend Mizzou Engineering’s Fall 2022 Career Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22, at MizzouRec. “Even if you’re not sure what you want to do, this is a great opportunity to explore internship and post-graduation options,” said…

Mizzou Space Program is reaching for the stars, looking to the future
The Mizzou Space Program’s performance has been out of this world, and the team is aiming even higher this academic year. MSP recently attended two competitions, including the Argonia Cup in April, where they placed 6th. MSP placed 14th in their category of 47 teams and 24th overall at the Spaceport America Cup in June.

Mizzou Engineering welcomes STEM Scholars at meet and greet event
Mizzou Engineering has welcomed 12 aspiring civil engineers whose passion for the field helped earn them Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). At a Meet and Greet event Thursday, Aug. 25, the incoming class of STEM Scholars had the opportunity to hear from…

Getting Involved: Mizzou Engineering Student Council Hosts BBQ for New Students and Student Organizations
This year’s New Student BBQ at Peace Park attracted a large crowd, thanks to the work of the Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC).

Sanders Internship at Black & Veatch Provides Invaluable Experience
Internships open students' eyes to employment possibilities post-graduation. Luke Sanders, a junior in mechanical and aerospace engineering, conducted a summer internship with Black & Veatch.