Accolades, Page 8


Computer science students receive UPE Scholarships

Two students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science were awarded scholarships from Upsilon Pi Epsilon.

Portrait of Marjorie Skubic

Skubic named Curators’ Distinguished Professor

Mizzou Engineering’s Marjorie Skubic has been named a Curators’ Distinguished Professor, the highest honor bestowed on faculty at the University of Missouri System.

Portrait: Dong Xu

Xu named Curators’ Distinguished Professor

Mizzou Engineering’s Dong Xu has been named a Curators’ Distinguished Professor, the highest recognition bestowed by the University of Missouri System.


Oruche receives prestigious GEM Associate Fellowship

Roland Oruche, a PhD student in computer science, has been named a GEM Associate Fellow by the National GEM Consortium.

Portraits of students recognized with the Award for Academic Distinction

Four Mizzou Engineers Recognized for Academic Distinction

Four Mizzou Engineers were recognized with the Academic Award for Distinction from the University of Missouri. Campus leaders presented the award to a total of 15 recipients across Mizzou at a small ceremony this past weekend.

University of Missouri historic columns

Hunt selected as 2021 Kemper Fellow

Heather K. Hunt, associate professor in Biomedical, Biological & Chemical Engineering (BBCE) and faculty fellow for strategic initiatives for the UM System Office of eLearning, received a 2021 William T. Kemper Fellow award on Wednesday, April 7.

Portrait: Grant Scott

Mizzou Engineer Among Top Data Leaders of 2021

A Mizzou Engineer is one of the top academic data leaders in the world, according to Chief Data Officer (CDO) Magazine. The magazine named Assistant Professor Grant Scott to its inaugural list of “Leading Academic Data Leaders” for 2021.