Civil and Environmental Engineering, Page 15

Awa-Bousso Gueye

150 Years of Student Success: S-STEM Scholar Awa-Bousso Gueye

Awa-Bousso Gueye dreams of being a civil engineer to improve living conditions and ensure the safety of our environment. Learn why this S-STEM Scholar and Kansas City, Missouri resident chose Mizzou.


Industry experts to help grow construction management program

With help from some of the top firms in the country, Mizzou Engineering will expand offerings and experiences that prepare students for construction management.

Ivan Linger

150 Years of Student Success: S-STEM Scholar Ivan Linger

Ivan Linger, a sophomore from St. Louis wanted to become a civil engineer to meld is passions for design and to solve current issues. Learn how he is taking advantage of opportunities available at Mizzou.


CEO of Burns & McDonnell shares advice with engineering students

Take advantage of opportunities, ask a lot of questions, and have a genuine interest in what you’re doing, Ray Kowalik, CE ’85, MS CE ’99, said.


More than 60 engineering students to present at Undergraduate Research Week

More than 60 Mizzou Engineering students are presenting their research as part of MU Undergraduate Research Week.


Engineering team receives $3M to develop improved blast-resistant curtain walls

A Mizzou Engineering team is investigating ways to keep large glass exteriors from shattering.


Researcher studying ways to maximize environmental benefits of green algae

Diatoms are abundant in nature and their structures could be used for environmentally friendly, high-value products, technologies to clean our air and new methods to purify our water.


Mizzou Engineering forms Construction Management Industry Consortium

Mizzou Engineering has formed a Construction Management Industry Consortium to expand program offerings and experiences for students. And the timing couldn't be better.


Undergraduate presents research around health of streams impacted by mining

Castonguay presented early findings from that work at a Joint Annual Meeting between the Missouri Section American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA).


Civil engineering team takes best poster award at TRB annual meeting

A Mizzou civil engineering team took a best paper award at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in January.