High Impact Research, Scholarship and Creative Works, Page 21

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Mizzou team develops system that detects cancerous mutations in a single molecule

A Mizzou research team has developed a two-part system that accurately detects cancerous mutations in a single molecule of genetic material (DNA). But wait, there’s more. Biomedical and Biological Engineering Professor Li-Qun “Andrew” Gu and his collaborators also believe his nanopore machine could have the ability to read digital data stored on DNA. The team…


Mizzou Engineering researcher awarded patent for association software system

Professor Chi-Ren Shyu has developed a new software structure that allows users to more efficiently mine big data.


Ma awarded patent for second generation Burnout coffee mug

A new coffee mug on the market instantly cools boiling liquids to the ideal drinking temperature, the second generation of the Burnout mug.


Almasri awarded patents for harvesting energy; improving imaging; producing sensors

Mahmoud Almasri was awarded patents for harvesting energy, improving camera imaging and producing sensors.


Cracking the code: Engineering team devises improved way to predict cracks

Cracks can cause serious problems on roads and bridges, as they compromise the strength and soundness of a structure. A Mizzou…


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Chair to give plenary talk

The chair of electrical engineering and computer science at Mizzou Engineering is scheduled to give a plenary talk during a workshop in Lugano, Switzerland, next week. Syed “Kamrul” Islam will present work…


ZouSim uses simulated environment to study driver behavior

Erika Zhou is “driving” 50 in a 60-mile-per-hour zone. When she approaches road work, her speed drops to about 15 below the posted limit. A few days later, Stuart…


Researcher continues work to decode genome sequences

In the future, hospitals and clinics may be able to better manage diseases by pinpointing exactly how an individual’s body will respond to treatment. But first, they need a fast, efficient and secure way to analyze DNA, or human genome sequences. Enter Praveen Rao, an associate professor with joint appointments in Health Management & Informatics…


Heart of the matter: Oliver part of team devising new way to detect heart disease

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., many times claiming its victims without warning. Maggie Oliver, a PhD student in mechanical engineering, hopes to help to change that. She’s…


Mizzou Engineering team devises novel way to non-invasively monitor heart problems

In the future, people with heart problems may be able to monitor their condition from home, ensuring they are taking the appropriate type and amount of medicine. That’s because a Mizzou Engineering research team has devised a way to non-invasively assess whether a person’s heart is in balance with the circulatory system. The work earned…