publications, Page 6

Rover on Mars

What’s the best way to land on Mars? Mizzou Engineering researcher compares top strategies

A Mizzou Engineer has compared five popular planetary landing laws, determining that at the moment, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Graphic of carbon nanotubes.

Team uses machine learning to predict the properties of simulated carbon nanotube arrays

A Mizzou Engineering team has spent the past couple of years developing a simulation model to demonstrate how carbon nanotubes can be produced without losing their optimal properties.


Mizzou Engineer developing an easier way to test produce for pesticide

Farmers in the future could have an easier way to test produce for pesticide residue thanks to the work of Mizzou Engineers.

Portrait: Jim Keller

Mizzou Engineers Take Transfer Learning Step Further in New Paper

Imagine having a self-driving car that is already trained to recognize road markings, street signs and other vehicles. Could you take what that car knows and tweak it so the vehicle could navigate the ocean, too?