Internship Spotlight: Erickson spends summer at NISC
This summer, Craig Erickson has participated in a remote internship for NISC. We asked him a few questions about the experience.

A new era of formula car racing at Mizzou
Tigers in fast cars competed this spring in the Formula SAE (FSAE) competition at Michigan International Speedway, bringing home awards and beginning a new era of racing at Mizzou. Mizzou Racing’s car, #18, placed 17 out of 120 teams. The June FSAE competition was the first competition for Mizzou Electric Racing.

3,2,1, Liftoff! Mizzou Space Program reaches new heights with new rocket at international competition
Mizzou Space Program (MSP) made history this year at the Spaceport America Cup when it launched Mizzou’s first rocket flown with a student researched and developed (SRAD) motor.

Rogers receives AIChE Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Teaching Practice
Reginald Rogers, associate professor of chemical and biomedical engineering, will receive the Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Teaching Practice at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting in November.

Built different: Torq’N Tigers Tractor Pulling Team places in top 5 at competition
After months of planning, design and fabrication, students on the Torq’N Tigers Quarter Scale Tractor Pulling Team earned honors at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) International Quarter Scale Student Design Competition this month.

Industrial Engineering students present at national conference
Industrial Engineering students and faculty traveled to New Orleans last month to present research projects at the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) annual conference.

Mizzou team uses EMG signals to assess movement in osteoarthritis patients
An interdisciplinary research team at Mizzou has demonstrated a way to use non-invasive electromyography, or EMG, signals to assess lower body movements in osteoarthritis patients.

Industry consortium guides expansion of construction management programming
Mizzou Engineering continues to expand programming around construction management with assistance from industry representatives from some of the top firms in the country.

Chemical engineering students complete 2023 AIChE Student Design Challenge for capstone project
Chemical Engineering students at Mizzou used their capstone project this past semester to create a process to turn recycled plastic into oil for a new material and also provided recommendations to improve recycling practices in Indonesia.

Information technology students create Mizzou trivia game for capstone project
Information technology students at Mizzou this semester developed a single-player trivia game centered around Mizzou’s historic columns. The project was one of many created by IT students in their capstone course, a class that wraps up students’ degrees and prepares them for the life of an IT professional.