Missouri Compacts: Research and Creative Works, Page 25

Driving simulator

Mizzou Engineer studies motorist behavior around truck platoons

Professor Carlos Sun recently led a study investigating how motorists behave when faced with a truck platoon in work zones.

James Noble

Noble receives William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence

IMSE Chair and Professor James Noble received a 2022 William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence.


College recognizes outstanding faculty, staff, students

Mizzou Engineering recognized faculty, staff and students for outstanding performance and dedication to the College.


Interdisciplinary team to study practices, policies around Missouri River

A Mizzou Engineer is leading an interdisciplinary team tasked with creating innovative, practical and balanced ways to manage the Missouri River’s water resources.


Mizzou Engineers take honors at MOCAP poster competition

Mizzou Engineers took top honors from a poster competition held as part of the annual summit of the Missouri Center for Advanced Power Systems (MOCAP).


As president of IEEE CIS, Keller puts focus on outreach, education and diversity

Curators' Distinguished Professor Jim Keller is serving as president of the Computational Intelligence Society under the umbrella of IEEE.


Meet Roger Fales

Meet Roger Fales, associate dean of student services and academic program and a researcher who is helping premature babies breathe better.


Engineer receives $2.3 million grant to investigate new disease

Professor Shinghua Ding has received a five-year, $2.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate a previously unknown disease.


MU announces creation of the Missouri Water Center

The University of Missouri today announced the creation of the Missouri Water Center, a central hub for research on the state’s water resources.

Sticky notes with sad faces and happy face in center.

Adolescent psychological well-being tied to adult risk of cardiovascular disease, study finds

Scientists have known for years that a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be lowered with lifestyle changes such as modifying diet, exercise, alcohol and tobacco use. Now Anand Chockalingam and Sharan Srinivas at the University of Missouri demonstrate in a new study that a long-term association also exists between an adolescent’s psychological well-being and their risk of CVD as an adult.